How do the evolutionary histories of butterflies and moths differ?
Butterflies originated in the Cretaceous period and are adapt to daytime activities; moths originated earlier and are mostly nocturnal. These have large wings, beautiful flying...
The life and activities of mongoose
Mongooses prey on small animals, venomous snakes and ants. They live in trees, are diurnal and alert, have strong reproductive capacity, their young grow rapidly,...
White Crane bird is known for its graceful flying abilities.
The white crane (scientific name: Grus leucogeranus ) is a bird of the family Gruidae in the order Gruiformes. The white crane has red bare skin on...
Green anaconda is the heaviest snake, weighing 250 kilograms
The Amazon region , although this area is full of vitality, is really dangerous and mysterious. It is impossible for an ordinary person to stay here...
Let’s know amazing info about leaf insect
Leaf insect, also known as walking leaves, are a fascinating group of insects that belong to the Phylliidae family. They are nature's ultimate masters of...
Let’s know Habitat of Moon Jellyfish
Moon jellyfish live in temperate waters of 9-19 degrees. They like clear, nutritious seawater with a salinity of 24-32 and feed on plankton. They are...
A detailed information about Elephant Bird
The elephant bird is the second largest bird that ever lived. Once lived in Madagascar, was over three meters tall and weighed half a ton....
Hygienic behavior of different bees species in response to Varroa mites
Hygienic behavior of honey bees reflects social immunity to parasites and diseases and is considered one of the main factors for genetic resistance in honey...
what do dragonflies eat, what do you know
In this article we are going to discuss about what do dragonflies eat, what do you know. Dragonflies are representatives of the order Odonata of...
Introduction to some less popular giant squids
The giant squids (Architeuthis.sp) and the giant squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) are well-known as representatives of giant cephalopods, and the Humboldt squid (Dosdicus gigas) is also...