Difference Between Reptiles and Amphibians
I need to make a generative animal recognition system. I am a little confused about how to distinguish between amphibians and reptiles. After checking the relevant information, I wrote this article, hoping to help people with the same confusion.
1. Amphibians
A general term for amphibians, which are an intermediate transitional group of vertebrates from aquatic to terrestrial. They already have some characteristics of terrestrial animals in terms of body structure, but they are not yet perfect. Adults can live on land, but fertilization and larval development must take place in water. Larvae breathe with gills and do not have paired appendages. They must undergo metamorphosis before they can live on land. This is the fundamental characteristic that distinguishes amphibians from other vertebrates. They are frog-like, fish-like, or worm- like in shape . The skin is exposd and rich in glands.
There are about 3,000 existing species of amphibians, which are divide into three major groups: Anura , Caudata and Apoda.

1. The characteristics of the Anura order are that the body surface is expose, the adult has no tail, and the limbs are relatively well develop. The larvae live in water, and the adults live an amphibious and jumping life. There are about 18 families and more than 2,600 species distributed all over the world. Most amphibians such as frogs, toads, rain frogs , tree frogs, bullfrogs, etc. belong to this order.
2. Caudata is an amphibian that lives in water and swims all its life. Its body surface is expose. Both larvae and adults have long tails and well-developed limbs. There are 8 families and about 300 species. Common species include the Arctic small salamander, giant salamander , and newt.

3. Apoda are specialize types that live in burrows. Most of them have worm-like bodies, very short tails, and degenerate limbs. There are about 160-170 species, mainly distributed in tropical forests in South America, Africa, and South Asia. There is only one species in my country, the ichthyosaur.

The “amphibious” in amphibian means that the larvae live in water (breathing with gills) and the adults live on land (breathing with lungs)
2. Reptiles
True terrestrial vertebrates. They can adapt to life on land, and some are use to living in water, but they lay eggs and reproduce on land. These generally shed their skin several times during their growth, and when they grow up, they have scales or armor on their bodies to protect their bodies. They have claws on the ends of their toes, which is helpful for preying on small animals. These animals breathe with lungs, and their body surface temperature changes with the temperature of the natural environment. They hibernate in winter. The more common reptiles include snakes, turtles, crocodiles, geckos, etc.

3. Difference
Reptiles have scales or plates on their skin, while amphibians have bare skin
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