Pineapple Sun Conure:Which species the highest IQ?
The Pineapple Sun Conure and the yellow-sided sunbird are smart and friendly, easy to handle, with a lifespan of 15-20 years. They have no language skills but can perform games. The main difference between the two is color and personality. The pineapple is gentle and calm, while the yellow-sided is bright and lively.
The Pineapple Sun Conure and the Yellow-sided Sun Conure are very intelligent, friendly, easy to get along with, and very popular.

There are many varieties of sun parakeets. The pineapple sun parakeet and the yellow-sided sun parakeet are both artificial mutations of the green-cheeked sun parakeet. They are both super clingy, very smart, and easy to get along with. They are also very good at flying, and there is almost no situation where they cannot be called back. The only difference between these two types of parrots is the color. The pineapple sun parakeet is also called the dark conure, and its color is relatively mild; while the yellow-sided sun parakeet is brighter in color. In terms of personality: the yellow-sided is lively and active, while the pineapple is calm and unwilling to move. The personalities of the two are very different.

Their lifespan is about 15-20 years. They do not have the ability to speak, but can understand the owner’s commands, perform, and play games. They also belong to the conure family.
Green-cheeked yellow-edged cinnamon pineapple blue, green-cheeked blue, yellow-edged blue, cinnamon blue pineapple, moon little sun, Sanji, red-bellied pearl little sun and other varieties that are relatively common in China.
Some bird lovers cannot tell the difference between the Cinnamon Sun and the Pineapple Sun. It is mainly because they look at the color under the wings. The underside of the Cinnamon’s wings is green, while the underside of the Pineapple’s wings is yellow, which is very easy to distinguish.
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