What kind of insects are bed bugs?
Bed bugs, Insecta, Hemiorder Ptera, Genus Cimex, have about 75 species in the world. In nature, they usually parasitize bats or birds. Bed bugs are actually one of the many types of bed bugs. They also have scent glands that can secrete pungent odors. Bed bugs, also known as ticks and bed bugs, are a type of insect with gradual metamorphosis. Their development process mainly includes three stages: eggs, nymphs, and adults.
The egg shell of bed bugs has a reticular pattern and a cover at the front. It is usually yellow-white and oblong. The nymphs are white and can suck blood like adults. The scent glands of nymphs grow on the back of the abdomen, while the scent glands of adults grow on the ventral side of the chest. Adults are generally reddish brown or black. Bed bugs have scent glands and generally secrete smelly fluid in two situations:
1. When encountering natural enemies, they secrete smelly fluid to serve as a defense
2. Attract the opposite sex and promote mating

Social animal
Bed bugs are social animals that usually live at night. During the day, they hide in the gaps of mattresses, between springs, between bedside table drawers, on baseboards, on ceilings, and other places. In addition to sucking human blood, they also suck the blood of other animals. These bugs mainly rely on detecting carbon dioxide exhaled by people to find or locate food sources. They have heat sensors on their antennae that can accurately locate people nearby.
Bed bugs have a hard mouthpart that can easily pierce human skin. During the piercing process, humans hardly feel any pain because they will then secrete saliva containing mild anesthetics. This saliva also contains anticoagulants, which prevent blood from clotting and accelerate blood flow. It only takes 5 minutes for bugs to suck full. After being bitten by bugs, about 1/3 of people will not have any reaction. If there is a reaction, it will usually be a slight itching or redness and swelling, which makes people often mistake it for a mosquito bite.
Bed bugs bitten
After being bitten by bugs, the wound will usually appear red, swollen and itchy, but if you scratch it, it will often lead to bacterial infection. If you are bitten for a long time, it may cause anemia. Bed bugs are insects that are very resistant to hunger. Their nymphs can go without food for 30 days, while adults can go without food for 6 to 7 months. A scientist once raised a bed bug, and he only fed it once in two years and eight months, but the bed bug was still alive and well.
In the 1950s, Americans used DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) to eliminate bugs from the U.S. However, many years later, bed bugs made a comeback with an amazing reproduction capacity. One bed bug can turn into 10,000 in a month, and the returning bed bugs are more resistant to pesticides. Although bugs do not carry diseases, it is difficult to remove them once they invade. Americans were once terrified of them. News about bugs even surpassed issues such as the Gulf of Mexico and rising unemployment. From September 21 to 22, 2010, Americans even held a Global Bed Bug Summit in Chicago.
To deal with bugs, you can usually pour boiling water back and forth into the bed boards and furniture gaps several times, or expose bedding, straw mats, and palm sheds in the sun, and at the same time slap and turn over these items, shake them out to dry in the sun or kill them directly. Biologists have studied bugs and found that bugs usually prefer red or black, but are not so fond of green or yellow. However, their color preferences will also change with age, hunger level and gender. Hungry bugs do not have much preference for color, and full bugs like to stay in orange and purple environments.
In fact, bed bugs’ preference for color has a lot to do with their desire to hide themselves. Bed bugs are red or black and like to hide in dark places, so red and black can better hide them, while green and yellow look brighter, and these two colors are not suitable for hiding. Therefore, changing the sheets and pillows to yellow or green can not only make it easier to find bugs, but also inhibit them. Of course, it is best to take out the quilts and dry them frequently, and clean the bed frequently, so as to fundamentally eliminate bugs. What do you think of bugs? You can also leave a message or comment below. If you like it, please click to follow!
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